Thursday, December 8, 2011

The New X-Box Live

    Yesterday, Microsoft launched a new software for Xbox and Xbox Live that changed the whole main screen.  It changed the whole layout and featured the “cloud” experience, which saves it and can transfer to different places without a memory card, but the thing that changed the most was for Apple users.  They launched a new iOS update that now lets you get on your Xbox Live account from your iPhone or iPad.  You can see who’s online, talk to friends, customize your avatar, and much, much more.  It is like the HTC phones which already had it, but this one is even more advanced.  All you have to do is scroll down the bar on top of your Apple device, and it will be there to see.  The screen for the iPhone will look kind of identical to the Windows phone, but it will still have the iPhone type of look to keep it looking unique. 

It relates to me because I play Xbox Live often and  I also have an iPhone, which will help me out.  I think it will also be easy for me to control all the stuff, because I hardly play anymore.  I hope this is really good!

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Other Guys

Make a video of your own at Animoto.

This movie will get you laughing out loud a lot. Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg combine to make a great movie. When two of NYC's police officers die in action, they need to show that they deserve their chance to become the new heroes of New York City. The case at first turns out a small one, but with twists and turns, it has you wondering what will go on. I give this movie a double-thumbs up!

Christmas List

Try our slideshow creator at Animoto.

Here is a list of my things I want for Christmas! I'm so excited for winter break!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What I Am Thankful For

I am very thankful to be living in Carroll, Iowa, where you don't have to worry about locking your car or house.  It is very easy living here, and the school is great.  I am also thankful for my parents being able to care for me and love me.  There are some places where parents aren't together or can afford many things, so that's why I'm thankful for that.  Kiley is another thing I'm thankful.  She's older then me and looks out for me in high school, where she could have just ignored me and tried to act cool.  My dog makes me thankful, also.  He's such a good dog and knows when I'm down, and he'll cheer me up. 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Fanatic!

My favorite Halloween haunted house is the not a house, but a forest, the Ames Haunted Forest.  It still wasn't scary, but it was better.  I don't usually get scared during haunted houses.  Scariest movies for Halloween has got to be either Paranormal Activity's or the movie "Devil."  They're both very scary movies.  In Devil, there are people in a elevator and they all die because the Devil is in one of them.  In Paranormal Activity, real-life people videotape their house as it turns into ghost activity.  Both are very scary, and I wouldn't watch them along.

 My biggest fears are snakes, mice, rats, and spiders.  I hate them so much.  In Des Moines, there's a haunted house that puts real snakes, rats, and spiders in there.  There are 15 stories, and if you make it to the top, you win around $500. You have to be 18 or older to get in. I would also like to do the zombie 5k.   The best Halloween was when I went to 4 different haunted houses and met a lot of new people. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Video Game Console

When you put on a helmet for this game, you will actually go inside the game! Put on a helmet, and you are running the favela's carrying a Barrett .50 Cal sniper rifle.  When you got shot at, it might give you just a tiny shock, but nothing big.  Imagine dribbling down the court against LeBron James, or catching a pass from Tom Brady.  Even imagine getting tackled by Brian Urlacher or Ray Lewis!

This game console would cost a lot more then usual, but it would be worth it!  It would also make it so hackers couldn't always beat you, or the people who play X-Box all day and are overweight, you'd beat them when you fit.  When you are "outside" the game with the helmet on, you pretty much jog in place if you're running, so it makes you lose weight, also! The virtual video game system would be the biggest thing in the world forever.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where I Would Travel in the World

If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would travel to Cancun, Mexico, again.  It was awesome there! Always hot, food was good, resort was beautiful, and everyone was nice to us.  The only bad things were you couldn't be on your cell phone at all, or else it cost a lot of money, and I got third degree burns from the sun. Other then that, I loved Cancun!

Friday, September 9, 2011

9/11 Recollection

I remember that I was in preschool when it happened.  Our teacher tried to calmly tell us that there was something wrong, but my mom came to my school and picked me up.  We went to my house and stayed downstairs for the night, fearing that another plane would hit us.  While down there, my mom said a plane hit the building, and she turned on the TV so I could watch and see what was happening.  I was in shock, and I was only 5!  My mom explained to me that some "bad guys" got mad at our country and wanted to hurt us, so they flew a plane into a big building to kill lots of people.  She also said that things were about to change, like gas prices and all. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

30 Things to Do Before You Turn 30

1. Run with the bulls in Madrid

2. Go to a Mac Miller concert and meet him

3. Play baseball at UNC

4. Go to a live Barcelona soccer match

5. Get married

6. Skydive

7. Go to a UNC vs. Duke game in basketball

8. Drive a Bentley, Bugatti, Ferrari, or Lambourghini

9. Meet Angelina Jolie

10. Attend the Olympics or Super Bowl

11. Go on a trollie in San Francisco

12. Make a hole-in-one

13. Catch a ball in the stands during a Cubs game

14. Spend a Christmas on the beach somewhere nice with all my friends.

15. Win a rap battle

16. Go to Las Vegas with a bunch of friends and come home with more money then you brought

17. Go on a Baltic Sea cruise again

18. Go cow tipping

19. Get a sports scholarship

20. Spin around in a chair with a cat in my lap and say that you've been expecting someone

21. Race a random car

22. Snorkle in the Coral Reef near Australia

23. Buy my dream house

24. Meet Michael Jordan

25. Cross country road trip with friends

26.  Climb a mountain

27.  Be an extra in a movie

28.  Go to a very expensive restaurant with someone you love

29. Go to Pittsburgh and visit Blue Slide Park and Frick Park Market

 30.  Participate in a flash mob

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Technology At It's Best

 I could not live without my cell phone.  I use it every single day and feel lost without it.
 Technology has made me realize how much the world has changed from when I first remember everything to now. It's a good thing, because it helps get us through the day. I wouldn't let technology replace friends or family.  They don't come around that often if you ignore them. Technology has made me obsessed with it.  I can't go a day without texting, or on Facebook. I don't believe with the saying "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - say little about his intelligence, but speak volumes about his laziness." because if they were lazy, they would have made someone else do it.  Since they weren't lazy, they invented something that is now useful for everyone.  Technology is the main reason everyone gets through the day; without technology, you couldn't "poke" a friend on Facebook, or text your best friend, and maybe not even have a best friend right now that you wouldn't have ever texted or added on Facebook.  Also, there would be a lot of single people instead of married people, because one out of every 5 people get married on the internet.

<---- I couldn't live a day without this phone.  It has everything I need, iPod, phone, Facebook, Twitter, messaging, games, it has everything you could think of.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Heartbroken in DC

This year for our school, we went on the school's annual Washington D.C., New York City trip.  On the first day on our bus, my phone broke.  I had no way of communicating the whole time besides my iTouch, but luckily, we had free wi-fi on our bus, so my Facebook app would work.  Once we got to D.C., we visited a lot of museums that were very boring.  When we were in our last day in Washington D.C., we visited the Lincoln Memorial.  I was jumping down the stairs for fun when my iTouch flew out of my pocket and shattered the screen. It still worked, but I couldn't use the screen or else it would cut me.  So two of my items broke, but I still had my wallet and money.  Well, when we went to Rehoboth Beach, I got pickpocketed, and all of my money was in my wallet.  I had no money, a broken phone and iTouch, and we still had four days left of the trip.  I ended up getting $100 from Star Destination and lived the the long bus rides, but the trip wouldn't have been as worse if I didn't break or lose so much stuff!