Thursday, December 8, 2011

The New X-Box Live

    Yesterday, Microsoft launched a new software for Xbox and Xbox Live that changed the whole main screen.  It changed the whole layout and featured the “cloud” experience, which saves it and can transfer to different places without a memory card, but the thing that changed the most was for Apple users.  They launched a new iOS update that now lets you get on your Xbox Live account from your iPhone or iPad.  You can see who’s online, talk to friends, customize your avatar, and much, much more.  It is like the HTC phones which already had it, but this one is even more advanced.  All you have to do is scroll down the bar on top of your Apple device, and it will be there to see.  The screen for the iPhone will look kind of identical to the Windows phone, but it will still have the iPhone type of look to keep it looking unique. 

It relates to me because I play Xbox Live often and  I also have an iPhone, which will help me out.  I think it will also be easy for me to control all the stuff, because I hardly play anymore.  I hope this is really good!

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Other Guys

Make a video of your own at Animoto.

This movie will get you laughing out loud a lot. Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg combine to make a great movie. When two of NYC's police officers die in action, they need to show that they deserve their chance to become the new heroes of New York City. The case at first turns out a small one, but with twists and turns, it has you wondering what will go on. I give this movie a double-thumbs up!

Christmas List

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Here is a list of my things I want for Christmas! I'm so excited for winter break!