Monday, January 9, 2012

My Trip to Cancun (Semester Blog Writing) year in April, I went to Cancun, Mexico. We got a timeshare down there, and this was the first time we got to use it.  We went to Omaha on Tuesday after school, left Wednesday, and got back Sunday.  The trip down there was a nightmare.  When we left Tuesday, we packed in to our smallest car, instead of taking a nice car, because my parents thought it'd be cold and wanted a small car in the airport parking lot.  We left at five in the morning, which meant we had to be there at four, which also meant we got up at three in the morning!  The flights weren't too bad.  We finally made it into sunny Cancun, Mexico around two o'clock their time.  The airport was way different then our airports; they had a lot of open areas with no top covering the airport, which was really different.  The taxi came and got us at our airport and took us to our timeshare.  It's called the Westin Lagunamar Ocean Resort.  I was so impressed by the hotel I could barely talk.  Right when you walked in, there were glass windows and doors, and it lead to the pool.  The pool was huge!  You could swim for a long time in there, and then walk down the stairs to the ocean!  We settled into our room, and then went to the pool.  The pool also had a bar in the pool with built in seats in the water!  Every day was about the same: we'd wake up, go to the swimming pool, swim there for a bit, go to the ocean, eat lunch, swim more, and then go to supper.  Every night except once, we went out to eat.  The one night we didn't go out and eat, we ordered Domino's Pizza.  We also went shopping in an outdoor mall right across the street from our hotel.  That was a huge mall, but there wasn't that good of stores anywhere.  Finally, we had to come back from the 87-degree weather everyday.  I was completely fried.  I looked like a tomato, and was peeling terribly. Overall though, I loved our trip, and I had a great tan after I was done peeling and not burnt!  We are going back in March of this year, also!